Cracking Code Protection on Tape

A bit of different breaking of code protection this time. Many, many years ago my parents bought our first computer, a Sharp MZ-700. This was initially a disappointment to me as it had no decent…

Cracking RISC OS Elite

A while back I wrote a blog post about breaking the Key module on RISC OS games from the 4th Dimension and how I went back to reminding myself how I did it many years…

Applied GEOINT, or enough space?

A story was on the BBC Wales news site recently where a motorist was filmed passing dangerously closely to a cyclist, tried to contest it and ended up losing and paying a massive fine. One…

Cracking the Key part 3

Okay, it’s been over a year since I wrote part 2; but I thought I may as well continue with the next step. I always said I was really good at procrastination! Anyway, we had…

Reverse Engineering Stranded

It’s time to start reversing another text adventure. For this one I wanted to go back to one I remember playing when I was a sprog: Stranded, published on the BBC Micro by Superior Software…

Cracking the Key part 2

I left you last time with a decoded file protection module, now let’s dive in and find out what this insidious module actually does. Note when I say word here I mean 32-bit words. Module…